
Reading Program Components 
Whole Class Comprehension Instruction 
Students will learn and practice the reading strategies and comprehension skills necessary to become lifelong readers. 
Independent Reading 
Students will self-select quality literature for pleasure reading and to apply the skills and strategies being taught. 
Read Aloud 
A variety of genres will be read to the children to expand their reading focus. *Modeling comprehension strategies
* Exploring new vocabulary
*Discussing authors message 
Extension Book Activities/Independent Book Reports 
Fun, engaging book projects to enhance comprehension and help identify story elements. 
Reader’s Theater, Partner Poetry & reads, books on tape, repeated readings of text. 
Non-Fiction Reading 
~ Ecology/Robinson Woods
~ Maine Unit of Study, Science Units- Matter, Force and Motion
~ Exploring Non-fiction text features, conventions, main idea and supporting detail. 
Individual Reading Conferences 
Students meet with me for ongoing assessment and strategy instruction. 
Shared Reading 
Whole class reading where everyone is reading and discussing the same selection. Poetry is often used to build fluency. 
Individual Reading Assessments 
Assessing reading level, comprehension and fluency skills 
Word Study 

Designed to expand student’s current spelling and word study knowledge. 

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